We want to be a part of your success with our product, I know we can help you* only bad news with our product is* you may have to buy new milk tank to hold your fresh milk. 我们希望用我们的产品成为您成功路上的一员。我相信我们能帮助您,然而坏消息是使用我们的产品后,您需要购买更多的储奶罐储藏因奶牛增产带来的更多的新鲜牛奶。
High-new technic product, complete machine of low place, high vacuum, substituting exhaustler and pressed water tank. 高新技术产品,低位整机,高真空,替代抽气器及压力水箱。
On Controlling the Lass in Oil Product Regulation by Statistic Technique; tank cession price 利用统计技术控制油品调和中产生的损耗石油产品在油库的售价
A triple purpose product featuring a toilet tank ball cock fill valve, anti-siphon backflow preventer, and a thermal expansion relief valve. 一种三用产品,具有马桶水箱浮球注水阀,反虹吸防回流阀,和热膨胀安全阀。
The recent viral attack of Chinese product flaws and recalls on everything from toothpaste to tyres to Thomas the tank engine toys will spawn years of litigation. 最近针对中国产品瑕疵和召回事件(涉及牙膏、轮胎、托马斯坦克引擎(thomasthetankengine)玩具等各种产品)的“病毒式”攻击,将造成持续多年的诉讼。
Product design is main machine+ water tank, authentically achieving water and electricity separation. 产品设计为主机+水箱,真正做到水电分离。
The product is used for the anti-burst oil tank of automobiles, ships and aircrafts. 本产品用于机动车、舰船、飞行器的防爆油箱。
Serac has installed a new patented pressure regulation system between the product tank and the filling machine. 冰塔安装了一个新的专利压力调节系统的产品之间的坦克和灌装机。
Fire Control of Product Oil Tank Farm. OGST 成品油罐区消防问题
The dewatered crude vinylidene chloride is first supplied to the low-boiler tower to remove the low-boiling substances, and then supplied to the high-boiler tower to remove the high-boiling substances, and at last supplied to the product tank. 经除水的粗偏氯乙烯先进入低沸塔除去低沸物后再进高沸塔除去高沸物,最后进入成品贮槽。
Analyzes actual throughput of Southern Oil Product Transport Pipeline and changing law of product's storage temperature, puts forward a plan for canceling or stopping diesel tank's heating vapor at initial or terminal stations. 分析了南输成品油管道实际输油、储油温度的变化规律,提出了取消或停用首、末站柴油储罐加热蒸气的方案。
Using Cooling Air to Unload Oil Product of Tank Car 冷气降温的卸油方法
Study on the Corrosion of Aluminum Floating Deck of Product Gasoline Tank 成品汽油罐铝浮盘腐蚀原因初探
Application of blended refractory fiber product in feed channel of glass tank 混合纤维制品在制瓶玻璃窑供料道上的应用
Corrosion Control Techniques for Used Product Oil Tank 旧成品油罐防腐层的施工技术
Precisely regulate the inlet pressure for every station and pump to make it greater than the pressure to the inlet of pump generated by the oil product from floating tank; 精确调节各站进站压力和泵入口压力,使其大于旁接罐油品对泵入口所产生的压力,使航煤只能向罐一方浸渗;
Some product oil such as diesel will be clotted if it is stored in winter tank, so that the final temperature of the oil at natural cooling has to be calculated to determine whether the tank is insulated/ heated or not. 一些成品油(如柴油)在冬季储存可能会出现凝油现象,最好通过计算求取油品最终温度,以确定是否需要进行保温和加热。
Studies on the Aseptic Preservation Technique of Half-finished Fruit and Vegetable Product in Big Tank 果蔬半成品大容器无菌保藏技术的研究
Properties, uses, manufacture process and performances of the polysulfide rubber sealant product for fuel soft tank of the new type of military aircraft were introduced. 本文介绍了新型聚硫密封剂的特性、用途,使用方法及制备工艺和性能测试结果。
Stress analysis on HDPE product discharge tank 聚乙烯装置产品出料罐应力分析
Large storage tank includes oil storage tank and liquid chemical product storage tank. 大型贮罐设计包括石油产品和液体化工产品贮罐设计。
Design and Constuction of product storage tank of refinery 炼油厂成品油储罐的设计与施工
The HP3 robot sequential control technology in product selecting based on robot control tank NX100 layout illustration realizes the link of robot correlative control signal and upper controller. HP3机器人顺序控制技术在产品分选中的应用,参照机器人控制柜NX100配线图完成机器人相关控制信号与上位机控制器间的连线。
With the increasing of oil product's class, quantity of oil tank is increasing, thus more land is required. The article puts forward a plan for design segmented vertical metal oil tank to save land area on the base of reasonable layout. 随着油品牌号的增加,油罐的数量也随之增加,需要占用更多的土地,在节约占地面积,进行合理平面布置的基础上,提出立式金属分割油罐的设计方案。
The corrosion of the floating deck and barrel of the product gasoline tank in Fujian Refinery, the research testing and analysis of corrosion causes were discussed and solutions were presented. 阐述了炼油厂成品汽油罐铝浮盘及浮筒的腐蚀情况、腐蚀原因的试验研究及分析,提出了解决措施。
Study on the planning and scheduling of product oil tank farm 炼油厂成品油罐区调度优化问题研究
Some Product process Method of Vacuum Powder adiabatic Low Temperature Tank 真空粉末绝热低温贮罐制造的部分工艺方法
In the product oil tank yard, the quantity of the equipment is relatively limited. However, various production activities always take place at the same time. 在成品油罐区中,各生产设备的数量都是相对有限的,然而不同的生产活动往往会同时发生。
At present, there is no any special design code and product of large-scale LNG tank in China, the research has some reference value to the design and research of the large-scale LNG storage tank. 目前我国尚无大型LNG储罐的设计规范和设计产品,本文的研究对于大型LNG储罐的设计和研究具有一定的参考价值。